dB/dX²: Still seeking the Waters of Oblivion

dB/dX v1.0 made its debut two years ago this month. My objective in promulgating this heresy was to get the ideas rattling around in my skull down on paper so that I can finally stop thinking about them.

Thus, against my better judgment, I uploaded the first version, cobbled together a post about it, and hit Pubish. "There," thought I. "Job done." Perhaps there may come a snide remark from the depths of the Internet… but more likely the silence will be deafening. No matter, I'd finished what I set out to do, and at last it was time to put the whole sorry mess behind me.

But then a human named Phil from the faraway realm of Buffalo, NY, had to go and write such a positive review that I could no longer simply walk away from dB/dX. Just when I thought I was out, they pull be back in!

And so my odyssey continued, tweak upon tweak, version upon version, inflicted not only on myself but also my circle of friends and work colleagues, coerced and cojoled into a variety playtests and interminable discussions of game mechanics.

Today, two years later, there's a second edition: dB/dX². I discarded some concepts that proved awkward or unfun during play (e.g., negative XP for starting gear) and rearraged the layout to try to keep related information on two-page spreads as much as possible for ease-of-use at the table. Rather than tracking the inevitable revisions here on my blog, I created an itch.io page where anyone who wants to can download a copy.

Is this the end? Have I finally found the waters of oblivion? Only time will tell.
